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Book Review: Who Made God – Edgar Andrews

Book Reviews , Christian Apologetics , Resources

This is the kind of Christian Apologetics book I enjoy reading.

Most apologetics books rehash the same answers and arguments. Occasionally one brings some new insight, or at least a new way of explaining the answers such that it sparks new thought. This is that book.

Fun to read, because the author clearly does not take himself too seriously (he utilizes the English cartoon character `Sooty' in one of his explanations for heavens sake!) yet attacks these serious subjects head on with wit and charm. Yet he shows no mercy to the tired attacks on Christianity of the `new atheists' vis-à-vis physics, miracles, natural law, an immoral God, etc.

One of those supposed argument-ending-money-maker lines of the `skeptic' is always "You say God made everything? Well then tell me who made God?" Andrews spends 278 pages of text and 12 pages of supporting documentation explaining why this is an incoherent question, akin to `Have you stopped beating your wife?' or `how long is string?', and how the answer is evident via a serious analysis of the facts of nature, readily available.

The central thesis of the book is a presentation of the difference between a proof arrived by syllogism, and the preferred and beautiful approach of making a hypothesis and then examining the facts that support it (yes – he is indeed using the Scientific Method to confirm the existence of God!)

This book answers the question with no stone unturned. It's a wonderful primer – a little bit logic, a little bit physics, a little bit philosophy. He makes sure that we don't allow the `new atheists' to get away with phrasing the issues in an incorrect manner, and that we answer the right questions. In doing so, he knocks down fantasy pseudo-sciences such as imaginary time and cyclic universes. He also brilliantly shows why the worn-out complaint of the `God of the gaps', an impotent God (of open theology), a Deistic God, and a Universalist God is NOT the God he is referring to.

The hypothesis Andrews seeks out to prove is status simply: "The God of the Bible exists". He then proceeds to "seek to demonstrate that this hypothesis explains human observation and experience far better than atheism or even science can ever do…" He proves the hypothesis by examining observations in the areas of: Cosmic Origins, the existence and manner of Time, Natural and communal Law, Miracles, Information Theory, the Origin of Life, Abiogenesis, Evolution, and Morality.

Here is an example, regarding miracles, of his unique prose and thought, of which are found throughout…

"C.S. Lewis has a clearer view of the miraculous, pointing out that if a non-material (or spiritual) realm exists at all, there must of necessity be an interface between this realm and the natural world – as a shoreline marks the interface between land and sea. And just as the sea may sometimes flood across that interface and invade the land, so the spiritual may from time to time invade the physical world."

I did have only a few areas of fuss with Andrews – I think he discounts Intelligent Design too quickly, and I think he may have mischaracterized Behe's position on Evolution – but those are easily overlooked in whole.

Too many apologetics books are re-hashed information and arguments – this is not one of those books. This is the kind of book that makes me want to read more of Andrews, and actually write a review recommending him!


The Christianity I Dont Believe In

Abortion , Christian Apologetics , Current Events , Doctrine , Polemics , The Bible


Christianity is a beautiful and elegant belief system - here's some examples of how it gets mistaken...,

Earlier I wrote a post indicating the Christianity I believe in – here now is a discussion of what I DON’T believe.  The point of this exercise is to help me think things through, as well as help clarify for those with struggles on debatable points, and also for those who love to pin these type of beliefs on us Christians, the Truth notwithstanding.

Santa Claus God God is the Prime Mover; the Creator; the source of all Logic and Reason and Purpose (logos) and Love.  He is the original relationship (all creation seems to be driven by relationship – with Love being at the apex).  He is Spirit – to be worshiped, honored, and contemplated as such and in Spirit.  He is identified as masculine in most of the Bible because the writers (and for the most part – us too) were a Patriarchal society – so masculinity indicates authority.  When we realize what He is, and that we are His creation, it seems silly that we put demands on Him, much less expectations.  Some like to think of Him as our Santa Claus – or our servant out there waiting to do our bidding if we just ask, or ask in the right manner.  Surely He desires the best for us all, and He has selected His Church to execute His will on this earth, but we are the creation, not the task-master.  So – if a prayer goes unanswered to my ‘liking’, it is not some sort of a proof against a God who should show His ‘love’ to me by answering my prayers, it is a careful warning to me to make sure I am aligned to the will of God.  

Christianity Is Anti-Intellectual There’s a lot of other writings in this site that discuss why I truly believe that Christianity is the only belief system (view of life and the world) that makes any sense at all.  In summary, it seems to me that Grace is the ONLY hope for the world.  And, I must exhibit this as much as I can, like Jesus did and like God expects me to, in order to represent Him.  Also, NONE of the other belief systems make any sense to me, indeed they seem to be only partial answers from our limited intellect to answer the great questions of existence, meaning, and purpose. Now not all Christians believe the same things, and none of us have totally thought everything through, nor do we have answers to everything.  But this certainly does not prove anti-intellectualism.  I am as interested in knowledge, logic, reason, the pursuit of Truth, and the scientific method as anyone.  So please don’t begin a discussion with me about the ignorance of my faith, unless you are prepared to speak to yours.  And if you’re a Christian, please consider thinking through with me (or others) the deep deep meaning of the Gospel and its ramifications, and help us all present the Truth to those who are looking for it.  

Christianity is Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Whatever Else… This one should be pretty clear – we are ALL made in the image of God, and equal in His eyes.  We should treat each other as such.  Now – some want to try and paint the Bible as condoning slavery – it simply addressed it as a cultural issue.  Not only was slavery different in those days from what we generally think of it these days (as racist, or less than human), the Bible was clear that the slaves of that day should be treated fairly, and that they are Children of God.  In fact, and entire epistle speaks to the treatment of slaves as equals. The treatment of women is virtually the same.  Women are indeed equal in God’s eyes as man.  Indeed I’ve seen MANY women smarter than men!  When men properly address women as equals, they cherish them as themselves!  This is a deep deep statement, and not often practiced, even in supposedly enlightened secular circles. I’ve never quite understood why people would want to identify with their sexuality, or their sin.  And, a person’s dealing with their sin is a matter for them to address with God, although the issue of identifying with it places issue with leadership in the Church, as it does with any other clearly identified sin.  Nevertheless, all people are God’s Children, and deserve to be treated with respect in that manner. Hopefully these items are thought provoking, not just provoking.  I truly have no desire to offend anyone, or to be labeled a heretic (HA!).  Please let me know what you think – let’s reason together.  

Here are some links to other relevant information

The Christianity I Believe

Grace and Peace to you all!


Alister McGraths The Passionate Intellect

Book Reviews , Christian Apologetics , Resources

McGrath's new book The Passionate Intellect, has won the Book of the Year in the Apologetics / Evangelism category

Here's a good review – go get the book!

Christian theology is one of the most intellectually stimulating and exciting subjects it is possible to study, rich in resources for the life of faith and the ministry of the church. It has the capacity to excite, inspire and illuminate the human intellect, giving it a new passion and focus.

For example, I came to appreciate that the explicability of nature was itself astonishing and required an explanation in its own right. I was not alone here. Albert Einstein pointed out back in 1936 that “the eternal mystery of the world is its comprehensibility.” The intelligibility of the natural world, demonstrated by the natural sciences, raises the question as to why there is such a fundamental resonance between human minds and the structures o the universe. Why would be we be able to make sense of the world at such a deep level? It seems to confer no obvious evolutionary advantage! But it is surely one of the most exciting things about the Christian faith that it creates intellectual space for the natural sciences by articulating a vision of an ordered reality that is open to study by a human mind shaped in the “image of God.”

The new atheism criticizes religion as the enemy of humanity, hoping that nobody will notice that their own theory holds it to be a human creation.


Peter Singers Defense of Infanticide

Abortion , Christian Apologetics , Current Events

Scott Klusendorf, defender of all life, has a great summary of the horror ethics of Princeton Ethicist Peter Singer.

Here's an example of what passes for Ethics at a great American Institution:

“Human babies are not born self-aware, or capable of grasping that they exist over time. They are not persons”; therefore, “the life of a newborn is of less value than the life of a pig, a dog, or a chimpanzee.”

These are the times I am glad I studied apologetics and defend the faith AND the defenseless

Gospel Reliability

Book Reviews , Christian Apologetics , Resources , The Bible

One standard critique of Christianity is that the Biblical records are unreliable.

OC Apologist has written a good summary of the book Without a Doubt by Kenneth Samples…

Here's a summary:

  1. The New Testament documents are the best attested documents of antiquity in terms of total number of manuscripts. 
  2. The interval of time between the date of the original authorship and the date of the earliest New Testament manuscript copies is extremely short.
  3. The historic statements made about Jesus by ancient non-Christian authors for the most part matches well with the Gospel record. 
  4. The authors of the four Gospels were eyewitnesses of Jesus’ life themselves, or were closely associated with the eyewitnesses. 
  5. The Gospel writers intended to convey factual and historical information and the writings of their historical content have been confirmed to a significant degree.
  6. The apostles’ testimony becomes more credible when it is considered that they had nothing to gain from it and everything to lose.  

My favorite part though are the comments – there is a typical response from a skeptic, and a good rebuttal

Grace and Peace!

Harry Potter and Sacraments

Christian Apologetics , Current Events

Is the world represented by Harry Potter developed from Christian roots?  David Nielson at The Evangelical Outpost desribes some 'history' in his post   Evangelicals And The Sacramental World Of Harry Potter

There's an odd thought.  Here's the authors main point:

 As long as we remember that we cannot actually do “magic” (even in a sacramentalized form), then we are free to appreciate the magical symbolism for the deep Christian themes that it expresses

Not sure what I think about this post

What do you think?

Grace and Peace


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