Category Archives for "Essays"

Where Is God?

Christian Apologetics , Essays


Why Does God Hide?  Why Doesn't He Just Make Himself Obvious to Us?


The questions about evidences usually come about because some people just 'cannot believe' unless there is 'clear evidence.' 

But consider this – what would it take for you to believe?  Would it take a miracle, or a divine announcement?  I submit to you that anything that is declared evidence for God would not convince the skeptic.  A medical miracle would be explained away (this happens all the time.)  A divine announcement would be written off as hysteria (as has happened in the past.)  Virtually everything presented as evidence is accounted for by natural means, by someone who only believes in 'natural means.'

Perhaps we should contemplate how God would choose to reveal Himself, and search for this, instead of making our demands of evidence upon God, because

"..the world in its wisdom did not know [God.]"  1 Corinthians 1:21b

In other words, how would an Omnipotent Being reveal Himself to finite beings?  For honest pursuit, we must make sure that our presuppositions are not clouding our thought processes.  We've discussed presuppositions previously – these are the pre-conceived notions we bring with us that can get in the way of clear and impartial thought and analysis.  No where are presuppositions more significant than in the ways we view the most important things in our life.  If I assume that I can never know for sure if God exists, I will likely look skeptically upon all 'evidences' for God.     An assumption that the 'evidences' proposed to me are false does not necessarily make them false, just like wishful thinking doesn't bring about the wish.  So in short, an open mind with a goal in mind is required for objective analysis of the evidences that God has claimed to have provided us.

The issue of 'Divine Hiding' has been asked of God many times in the Bible.  Even Jesus was admonished to announce His position to the world by His brothers (John 7:3, 4b) and also by His disciples (John 14:22.)   

"Jesus' brothers said to Him, "You ought to leave here and go to Judea, so that your disciples may see the miracles you do…Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world."" John 7:3, 4b

"Then Judas…said," But, Lord, why do you intend to show yourself to us and not the the world?"" John 14:22

His answer gives us a clue into the mystery of God's 'hiding:

"If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching.  My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make our home with him.  He who does not love me will not obey my teaching.  These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me."  John 14:23a, 24. 

Christ claimed to be answering the question of Divine Hiding for God, as well as for Himself.  The answer is not what one might expect.  We would perhaps hope that He would have answered something to the effect of "I must hide so that you may pass the test of faith" or "I'm not hiding, I'm very obvious" or maybe even "OK, I will make my miracles and signs obvious to every man so everyone knows I am God."  But no.  Instead He gave us a mysterious statement speaking about OUR LOVE AND OBEDIENCE!  WHAT HAS THAT TO DO WITH GOD'S HIDING??!!

When this clue is combined with other examples of Jesus' statements, perhaps the reason becomes more clear.  To summarize what Christ's answers mean, consider the following assertion in our analysis of Jesus' answers:

– We ONLY get to know God if we allow Him to BE our God and Lord of our lives – 

Just before Jesus made this cryptic answer to Judas, He gave another clue:

"Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me.  He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him."  John 14:21. 

"Show myself to him" He said.  This is a little more clear now.  Is Jesus saying that if He is to be seen by us, we must love Him?  Does this argument seem circular?  By that, isn't it unfair to say in essence that "we won't find God unless we believe in God?"  Absolutely not, when the rest of the situation is clear. 

Consider this:  Is the knowledge or acknowledgement that God exists what God wants us to know?  Clearly, the answer is NO.  A person could believe, or even know, that God exists, and still HATE God.  So God is not interested only in our knowledge of Him.  What He desires is a personal relationship – a filial relationship.  With philosophical contemplation, we could understand that God is a First Cause, or a Source of Morality, or a Creator.  But this intellectual assent does not cause or require personal interaction.  Blaise Pascal clarified the point "God wishes to move the will rather than the mind.  Perfect clarity would help the mind and hurt the will."  God is not interested in simply being a point of knowledge. 

God's purpose for having this personal relationship is to transform us to be more like Him

"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."  Ephesians 2:10

To reject God's means for evidence is to reject God's plans, and to in the end reject God.  In this regard, it would be improper for God to force His will upon us…what is morally appropriate is for God to make His presence available to all of us, for us to pursue. 

In Natural Theology, we have plenty of clues.  From the discussion of the A-B-C's of God's existence, we see that, if our presuppositions are looking for God, God has left us many clues, from the Awareness and yearning inside each of us, the incredible Bible that is a book like no other book, and the Creation that simply cannot be explained with natural terms.  With a God-focused pursuit, these 'evidences' pull us along the path to knowing God in a personal way. 

In summary, we will truly know God when we are in a relationship with Him, and do as He asks us to.  If we do not, we cannot expect to ever recognize God as obvious as the sun is shining.

We know that we have come to know him if we obey His commands.  

1 John 2:3

Where Did God Come From?

Christian Apologetics , Essays


Where Did God Come From?


Why is there anything, instead of nothing? 

One of the philosophical reasons to believe in God is the Cosmological Argument, which explains that everything must have a cause…and the initial cause for everything is a being which we call "God".  Anything other than this explanation requires an infinite regress (essentially that everything has always existed) for which there is no evidence.  Assuming one accepts the notion of a first cause, it begs the question, "what caused God?"

But the answer within the Cosmological Argument gives us the answer to this question also!  By definition, God is the first event, sometimes known as the 'Prime Mover'.  Therefore by this definition, God is uncaused.  So the question 'Where did God come from?' is improper.  It is like asking for a square circle, or a flat ball.  Is it hard to accept?  Yes.  But does it make sense to us?  Yes, in the sense that we intuitively know that there cannot be an infinite regress of events.  SOMETHING had to be the first.  There is nothing in nature that we see coming from nothing (despite the fifty dollar words some Naturalists throw around, like quantum fluctuations, etc.)  It is just not practical.  So what started it all off?  Something outside of nature – something supernatural. 

What's the alternative?  If you don't want to believe in a Creator, you must either believe that something (indeed, everything!) came from nothing, OR you must believe that everything has always existed.  NEITHER are reasonable, since they contradict everything observed.  There is no evidence for it, in fact the evidence points toward a beginning (second law of thermodynamics), and evidence points to nothing coming from nothing (if someone has seen something come from nothing, I'd love to see it!)  Therefore, it is REASONABLE to believe that there is a Creator!

While this philosophizing does not prove the God of Christianity, it does establish that the belief in a 'Prime Mover' is  reasonable, based upon sound thinking formed from sound experience (the observations of cause and effect and the unreasonableness of infinite regress).  Understanding this, the question now becomes: "What is the nature of this Prime Mover?"

Philosophical Proofs for God

Christian Apologetics , Essays

Philosophical Proofs for the Existence of God


Philosophical Proofs for the Existence of God


Philosophical Proofs for the Existence of GodWe are of a culture that demands evidence, and despises contradiction and conjecture.  And at first glance, the possibility that God exists seem may absurd.  But an examination of some logical deductions prove that the existence of God is far from an illogical fantasy, and gives the thinking person more of a case to consider the God of Creation.

The following are ages old thought patterns pursued by eminent philosophers, scientists, skeptics and even atheists in a sincere attempt to answer this most important of questions.  These arguments are displayed in a traditional logic / presupposition / conclusion format.  A summary of the most effective follows:

The Argument of Evident Causality – St. Thomas in his Summa Theologica proposed five proofs of the existence of God, which come to the conclusion that there must be a God from Natural Theology, and can be summarized as follows:

Mankind’s experience in the world indicates that all things have a cause.  Consideration of this fact leads us to the conclusion that ‘causes’ must continue in history back into infinity, but this is clearly not possible in practicality, so there must have been an ‘un-caused cause.’  This first cause is known as ‘God.’  And because nothing can be created by itself, there must be that which exists by itself.  That which exists by itself is known as ‘God.’ Among the things that exist there is separation of value, indicating a rule by which to measure this value.  That source of all value is known as ‘God.’   Finally, the reason for anything ‘existing’ instead of ‘not existing’ implies purpose – even things that appear to lack knowledge still have purpose, and act in accordance to a purpose beyond themselves.  That purpose beyond all things is known as ‘God.’   

Even Kant, who disagreed with the proposition that God could be proven by human reason, called these proofs “the oldest, the clearest, and the most accordant with the common reason of mankind.”    These proofs succeed because they are clear and universal.  

The Argument of Design – Perhaps the most reasonable argument, with all of creation literally at our fingertips.  Where did it come from?  How does it sustain itself?  How do we fit in to the whole of creation?  The argument for a Designer is as follows:

1) Every aspect of the universe displays an incredible amount of order, both in the things we can see and the way things react to each other.  Think about the organs in your body – all working wonderfully for the sustaining of our live, perfectly tuned and connected.  This axiom can be extended almost indefinitely, from the amount of oxygen in the air for us, to the food available for our bodies to consume, to the gravity keeping us on the ground, etc etc etc…

2) Either this order is the product of intelligent design, or random chance.

3) Chance is incapable to produce this magnitude of order.

4) Order comes from a designer – with a purpose for the order.

5) Therefore, the universe is the result of an intelligent designer.

The crux of this argument is the 3rd premise.  It can be nothing more than wishful thinking to claim that chance could produce an intelligent, related design, much less from nothing.  (Remember that old yarn about God and Darwin arguing about evolution, where Darwin claimed that time and energy could eventually produce a man from the dirt, and God said ‘Go for it.”  As Darwin gathered up the dirt to apply time and energy to it, God said “Wait a minute, you go get your own dirt!”)  It is silly to think that a believer in the creation allows themselves to be put on the defensive by the skeptic and asked to show proof in God, when the real proof should be provided by the skeptic in the form of evidence of chance providing order on this scale.  And a little further about Darwin, remember that even an argument about survival of the fittest presupposes the arrival of the fit!  Darwin and evolution never presume to explain the beginnings of the universe.  Only cosmologists claim an answer for this one, with their big bang theory.  More on that in the creation discussions.  

The Argument from Consciousness – Intelligence seems to be different than inanimate matter.  In other words, there is something different about the lump of carbon and other chemicals that make up my body, and the lumps of carbon and other chemicals found in nature (rocks, etc., even dead bodies with all the 'chemicals' there and in order.)  This difference is intelligence, or consciousness.  So intelligence is within the cosmos, yet the cosmos is not intelligent (self-aware.)  So where did it come from?  Lets try the logical stream

1) We experience the universe as intelligible.  This experience we have intelligence.

2) Either the intelligible universe and the finite minds able to grasp it are the products of intelligence, or they arrived from blind chance.

3) Not blind chance.

4) Therefore the intelligible universe and the finite minds able to grasp it are the products of intelligence.

Closely related to the design argument, it is easy to see why mankind pursues the antithesis of statement 3.  But blind chance is a lousy designer in experience.  Has anyone seen intelligence 'created?'  No.  Can anyone explain it?  Not without conjecture and a final belief in truth created accidentally.  This by definition would not be truth then, would it?  So how could anything that is produced by blind chance be trusted?  Again, it is NOT irrational to believe in a Creator / God.    "Is it not reasonable to conclude that life, mind and personality have their source in something living with a mind and personality?"  David A. Noebel, Understanding the Times, pg 87

The Argument of Desire – An internal yearning for God?  Surely that cannot be logical?!  In fact it is clearly logical, and easy to understand, even for the skeptic (as long as he is searching for truth.)  Lets try it out:

1) All the desires within us correspond to something that can fulfill the desire

2) But there is a desire within us in which nothing on earth seems to fulfill

3) Therefore something must exist outside of earth, time, and material that will satisfy this desire.

4) This something can only be what people refer to as ‘God,’ and a fulfillment (life) with Him forever.

At first glance this argument may seem silly, but upon further reflection it is clear.  There are two types of desires:  those that are natural, and those that are developed.  Natural desires are for things such as food, sleep, knowledge, sex, friendship, beauty, etc.  Developed desires are for things such as football games, licorice, Barbie dolls, a better job, etc.  The former all people desire, the latter come from outside of us, from society, fiction, or preference.  How could all people desire something that is never satisfied in this world?  Don't believe it?  Get that new car, you'll soon want a better one.  Get that new job or love or whatever your heart desires, soon it won't satisfy.  The yearning in our hearts never seems to be filled – what could it be leading us to?  Is it illogical to assume that the Creator placed this desire within us to lead us to search for Him?  I don't think so.

Does philosophy answer our questions?  Of course not – we must be very careful when philosophizing.  Someone once said that 'there is nothing so absurd that a Philosopher has not proposed it.'  However, philosophy has a place in leading us to consider and examine our presuppositions, which is what Francis Bacon meant when he said “A little philosophy inclineth a man’s mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men’s mind about to religion.”  


Our Human Nature Needs God

Christian Apologetics , Essays

There is a God shaped vacuum in all of us


There is a God shaped vacuum in all of usThomas Aquinas described the condition of mankind when he said “There is within every soul a thirst for happiness and meaning.”   Since the dawn of time, mankind has pursued fulfillment of that thirst with everything imaginable.  The existence of this personality trait in ALL cultures is perhaps the most telling reason for us to believe in God – not only that, but a God of Love (when we think of it this way, it becomes obvious, doesn’t it!)  Without love in our lives, virtually all other successes pale and seem insignificant.  This indicates a common denominator need in all humans, that would clearly be there if the assumption of the Creator of the Universe searching for us were true.  He left in us an indicator of His character!!  

We have what has been called ‘signals of transcendence’ within us, that point toward something beyond what we can see or explain (Peter Berger – Intellectuals Don’t Need God" And Other Modern Myths; Alister McGrath; pg 16).  If a Maker has made man in His image, as Christianity proclaims, then it is not surprising that we would attempt to find our creator.  Some of those indicators of another reality are described below:  

Intuition – There is something about us, way deep inside, that causes us to consider that both we and the universe around us are products of God.   Indeed, if a creator is drawing us near to Him, it would make sense that God Himself would have placed this awareness within each of us, creating a natural vacuum, or thirst for knowledge, that leads us to consider Him.  Indeed, God explains to us that He has done just that:

"He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end… God does it so that men will revere Him."   Ecclesiastes 3:11b, 14b.

Morality – The basis for morality has been a philosophical conundrum for ages.  Immanuel Kant has summarized the issue:  “Two things fill the mind with admiration and awe, the starry heavens above and the moral law within.”  This is a ‘sense of ought’ that not only exists in all times and cultures, but drives each of us to a standard that we can only guess at where it comes from.  We have a clear sense of obligation, each person does, whether we live in the United States or the remotest reaches of Africa.  They may not all be the same beliefs and obligations, but their mere existence universally demands explanation.  There can be no simple scientific answer for a base instinct that is the result of chemical reactions in the brain!  We even try to pass laws to enforce our internal desires for justice and morality. We should not be surprised that our internal moral law reflects that of the law of God:

"Indeed, when Gentiles…do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves…since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them."  Romans 2:14-15.

In short, in the most personal ways God has revealed Himself to us is through our very nature.  Going beyond our existence in the first place, when we consider the nature of our beings we cannot trivialize the consideration that the desires we experience were set in motion for us to begin the search for the answer – namely our creator and His personal nature.

Indeed, in virtually every culture there is some sort of worship of a deity – once again proving the general desire in man to transcend himself and the surrounding and long for something much higher than himself and his surroundings.  It appears to me to be no coincidence that the Bible itself does not spend much time trying to prove the existence of God – there is simply affirmation that God exists.  This makes it kind of obvious, doesn't it??!!  

While these arguments will not convince a committed skeptic, they clearly provide an objective basis for consideration, that there could be something more out there.  Now we just need to find out exactly what that something may be…

Why Belief in God is as Easy as A B C

Christian Apologetics , Essays


Belief in God is as Easy as A-B-C!


Creator GodIf God does exist, then the study of God is by definition the most important endeavor a person can undertake.  And for Christians required by God to provide a reason for our faith, it is essential for us to understand and be able to explain a clear basis for our faith in God’s existence.

So lets begin an active study of the existence of God, and what it means for us.  Here we will study the REASONS FOR BELIEF in the CHRISTIAN GOD.  In a different area we will contrast that with the beliefs in other Gods before we are done with our study.  

SO TO BEGIN, I believe that there are three clear witnesses to the fact that the CHRISTIAN GOD exists, which are in front of us each day.  For starters, by remembering that the belief in God is a BASIC belief, it is easy to start with the basics.  So we need to…


Remember our ABC's: 


AWARENESS – Our own human nature (consciousness, moral fiber, etc) suggests to us that there must be something beyond ourselves.  – we just ‘know’ in our ‘hearts’ that there is more to life than what we can see and touch.  Many of us are good at putting this feeling aside or trying to fulfill the need with outside influences, philosophies, etc., but it always stays there, perpetually unfulfilled.  No ‘purpose’ on this earth (money, sex, power) ever seems to fill that vacuum.  Many people spend their entire lives striving to fulfill this need, but it always stays there, even after the accumulation of wealth or the fulfillment of personal goals.  This ‘God shaped vacuum’ (as described by the eminent scientist Blaise Pascal) can only be filled by the relieving purposeful existence discovered when we understand our position with God, and when we become reconciled back to Him.  Could it be that this longing within us is the result of God pulling us to Himself?  Because this feeling is universal, it is the first of what is considered ‘general revelation’ from God.  

The BIBLE – Our awareness leads us to look for God.  The Bible is the evidence that God has left us, as a self-autographed documentation of His nature and His plans (this is the first of the ‘special revelations’ from God.)  More than just any other book, even any other 'religious' book, the Bible is singularly unique.  It is neither a single book, nor is it written by one person, as are most 'religious' texts.  It is a collection of 66 books that were written by 40 or more different authors in three different languages, in 3 different continents.  These books were written over a period of about 1600 years.  The authors represent society at large.  They were not just scholars and preachers, but they also ranged from common folk such as shepherds, doctors, government officials, fishermen, and tax collectors, to Kings.  There are many styles of journalistic method involved, including history, poetry, government records, dialogue, parables, sermons, prophecy, letters and religious instruction. 

The Bible has been translated into over 1200 different languages or dialects.

Despite this huge diversity of history, there is one central theme of the whole collection of writings:  that God loves us and has a plan for our lives.

The Bible is most unique in its claim of Divine inspiration.  Is it likely that the above facts of the Bible could have occurred by accident, or by some 'religious conspiracy?'  Or must Divine inspiration and purpose must have occurred for the previously mentioned points to come together and to survive for thousands of years.  Divine  inspiration is a most outrageous claim, and it leaves no room for a gray area.  Either the book is of God and deserves our careful study, or it is not and is an incredible and monumentally improbable hoax.  Was it by accident that it has become the most influential book in the history of mankind?

The CREATION demands a Creator – One of the ‘general revelations’ about God surrounds us each day, as we see the miracles of creation and the evidence of a creator everywhere.  Science can only explain or predict what might happen, but not why things happen (what exactly is an electron anyway and how did it get here?)  Contrary to popular belief, evolution and the thought that the cosmos began from nothing are simply theories.  They are not fact, and they are not as widely believed in academic circles as the general public thinks that they are.  To the average non-believer struggling to get through each day, it is convenient (it fits into our self-worldview) to believe that there is a logical explanation for the creation so we don’t have to believe in a creator.  But make no mistake, it was all placed here, with a purpose, by a Personal Creator. 

Think about it for a minute, which makes more sense?  1) Everything in the cosmos either existed forever or came from NOTHING, that gasses evolved into light elements, and then into heavy elements.  Next came the evolution of 'dead' elements into something alive, which finally mutated into a person who has the capability to eat, see, think, procreate and know right from wrong.  (None of these steps, by the way, have been observed in nature, and in fact are contrary to known natural law – they are simply what 'must' have happened in an anti-theistic worldview.)  OR is it perhaps easier to believe:  2) That Something created everything and shows us the evidence of its authorship in the amazing details, synergies and complexities of the cosmos and of life?  Certainly both take an active choice (faith?) to believe, since there were no eyewitnesses (but would we believe the eyewitnesses anyway?)  The answer to the question is usually based upon a person's pre-conceived notions, and sometimes upon a misinterpretation of scientific 'facts.'  We must however use ALL of our faculties, our intuition and senses, to answer the question truthfully.  It does not relieve our minds to accept mere scientific fact if we don't also answer the questions why and how.  Between the choices above (and there are no other choices) I believe it is much easier to believe in a Creator.

To Summarize – With all the evidence for God that we’ve reviewed, we have seen that it is certainly not illogical to believe in God.  In fact, It is clearly reasonable to believe that God exists, and has placed all the evidence needed within our reach for us to believe in Him, and to cause us to pursue Him.  But the final commitment is ours – this is our free will.  We know that FAITH is not blind, but informed and rational, indeed a PART of us, leading us (complemented by our emotion and desires) to acknowledge the existence of the Creator, and inflame the desire to know more about Him and His plans for us.  And Thank God, He has revealed these to us as well!!

Isn’t Christianity a Crutch for Weak People?

Christian Apologetics , Essays

Isn't Christianity Just a 'Crutch' for Weak Minded People?

The argument goes something like this:

The world is a scary place!  When we are born, we have people that take protect us from this.  As we grow, we realize that the world is indeed quite harsh, although we (hopefully) have the benefit of loving parents taking care, making decisions, and sheltering us from the evil and pain for as long as they can.  Once we get out on our own, it is natural for us to long for that childhood protection we once enjoyed, so we CREATE for ourselves an all-powerful loving God, from whom we can 'ask' for help, and have 'hope' that we will someday meet and be delivered from the misery and unfairness we experience in the world.

Sigmund Freud called this condition 'wish fulfillment'.  Napoleon credited Christianity as the 'opiate of the masses' – which is useful to those in power as a means to keep the people suppressed, as they look forward to 'pie in the sky in the bye and bye' while they suffer under tyranny in the present.  Are these proofs against the truth of Christianity?

First of all, these kinds of discussions commit what is known in Logic 101 class as the 'genetic fallacy'.  This means that just because the 'accusation' may be true, it doesn't mean that the underlying assertion is not true.  For example, I believe that interest rates will fall next year so I could afford to purchase a house.  That sounds like a classic case of wish fulfillment, but you would be foolish to say that they will not come down just because of my wishes!  They will or will not come down irregardless of my wishes – my wishes neither make it true NOR false!

The same is true with Christianity.  In order to prove, or simply to believe, that Christianity is false, its critics will have to do MUCH more work than simply denigrate the 'motives' of the believers!  Indeed, if Christianity is true, then we would expect that people would be longing for it!  If we are truly separated from our Creator and He is the ultimate expression of our purpose, it makes sense that we WOULD desire Him!  And if the Creator is actively searching for us and also longing for our reconciliation, it is not beyond belief that the needs within us would be left there by Him, to be used to draw us toward Him!  

And finally – this particular criticism actually works against the critic!  

Is it not possible that a person may project their 'wish' for autonomy and their 'fear' or 'dislike' of a righteous God by projecting (wising) that He does not exist?  So, if religious belief can be seen as a kind of 'wish projection', so can religious unbelief!


Consider the Skeptic

Christian Apologetics , Essays

Since We Can't Know 'For Sure', Should I Just Remain a Skeptic?


First of all, logically there can be no atheists.  Much more than simply believing that one cannot know God, an atheist makes the irrational claim that ‘There IS NO God.’   

"An atheist, like a Christian, holds that we can know whether or not there is a God.  The Christian holds that we can know there is a God; the atheist, that we can know there is not."  Bertrand Russell; Religions of America; pg 285

All believers believe, but no believer makes the assertion that proof of God is tangible.  This is the essence of faith – why ‘believers’ are called ‘believers.’  Evidence for God is everywhere, if we're looking for it, but there does not exist direct, indisputable 'proof.'  But for an atheist to say ‘There is NO God’ assumes, in the absence of proof or knowledge, that the atheist is in fact ‘all-knowing!’ He has just disagreeing with himself, since he just made an omniscient (all knowing) claim by claiming to KNOW this ‘unknowable’ fact!  

Since there can be no atheists, what remains in the world of skeptics are agnostics, or those who have no-knowledge (a-gnostic).  There are two kinds of agnostics, those who are seeking for the answers, and those who are content in their not-knowing.  

What are the consequences of not believing?  Consider Pascal's Wager.  Blaise Pascal was an eminent scientist who invented the thermometer, and was highly noted for his scientific reasoning.  He postulated that seeking and serving God has benefit in this life and the next if there is a God.  So, serving God in this life has no cost.  But if you were to wager that there is no God and you choose to ignore him, you may lose everything if He does exist.  In this position you've lost your wager and there is no recovery.  In other words, the atheist is making a large bet in which he could pay a terrible price if he is wrong

But what if the atheist is right?  Taking atheism to its logical conclusions, life is meaningless.  There would be no absolute truth, no basis for morals, and no reason to survive.  The atheist will declare that he does in fact have basis for these items, but it seems that everything is relative if everything is based upon chance.  How can we even be sure we are in control of our own thoughts if there is no design?  Who is to say that evil is not ok as long as someone 'wants' it – who are we to say it's wrong?  If the majority rules everything, or if the strongest survive, we may not complain when we are crossed, for it was meant to be.  

Dr. Ravi Zacharias has described the lot in life to be expected in a free-for-all worldview, and is called The Atheist's Creed:

We believe in Marx, Freud, and Darwin.  We believe that everything is ok, as long as you don’t hurt anyone, to the best of your definition of hurt, and to the best of your definition of knowledge.  We believe in sex before, during and after marriage, we believe in the therapy of sin.  We believe that adultery is fun, we believe that sodomy is ok, we believe that taboo’s are taboo.  We believe that everything is getting better despite evidence to the contrary.  The evidence must be investigated and you can prove anything with evidence.  We believe there is something in horoscopes, UFO’s and bent spoons.  Jesus was a good man just like Buddha, Muhammad and ourselves.  We believe he was a good moral teacher although we think his good morals were really bad.  We believe that all religions are basically the same, at least the one that we read was.  They all believe in love and goodness, they only differ in matters of creation, sin, heaven, hell, God, and salvation.  

We believe that after death comes nothing because when you ask the dead they say nothing.  If death is not the end then there is heaven for all except maybe Hitler, Stalin, and Khan.  We believe in Masters and Johnson, what is selected is average, and what is average is normal and what is normal is good.  We believe in total disarmament, we believe there are direct links between warfare and bloodshed, and that the Americans should beat their guns into tractors and the Russians will be sure to follow.  We believe that man is essentially good, it is only his behavior that lets him down.  This is the fault of society, society is the fault of conditions, and conditions are the fault of society.  If man does what is right for him, then reality will adapt accordingly.  The universe will re-adjust, history will alter.  We believe there is no absolute truth except that there is no absolute truth.  We believe in the rejection of creeds and the flowering of individual thought.  

If chance is the father of all flesh, then disaster is his rainbow in the sky.  When in a state of emergency the sniper kills the child, the youth go looting, or bomb blasts rock the school, it is nothing more than the sound of man worshiping his maker.  

The evils in the world as a result of this type of belief system are tremendous.  If the strong survive (and rule), what are the consequences?  The 'goodness of man' has been proven to be a fantasy.  In that great period of ‘enlightenment,’ the Twentieth Century, over 6 million Jews were murdered, over 20 million Ukrainians, 50 million Chinese, roughly one third of the population of Cambodia, countless Hutu’s and Tutsi’s, etc etc etc, all in the name of man's pursuit of unbridled power resulting from the belief in no absolute truth.  Easily over 100 million people have been murdered in the 20th century alone in the name of someone’s progress toward utopia.  

Is Atheism a serious worldview, or is it a means to something else?  Not all atheists would agree with this position, but consider the words of one prominent atheist:

"For myself, as, no doubt, for most of my contemporaries, the philosophy of meaninglessness was essentially an instrument of liberation.  The liberation we desired was simultaneously liberation from a certain political and economic system and liberation from a certain system of morality.  We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual freedom…The supporters of these systems claimed that in some way they embodied the meaning of the world.  There was one admirably simple method of confuting these people and at the same time justifying ourselves in our political and erotic revolt: we could deny that the world had any meaning whatsoever."  Aldous Huxley; Ends and Means; pg 269-70

So before 'religion' is allowed to be ridiculed by atheism, one must remember that "the basic function of religion in culture is to supply people with truth and meaning."  Clarke Pinnock, Four Views of Salvation in a Pluralistic World, pg 115.  This is the result of serious and real life contemplation.

With all the evidences for God that we will investigate, and the awful alternative to God's existences, It is easy to see why David said that  "The fool has said in his heart there is no God." 


What About The Heathen?


  What if someone never has the chance to hear about Christ?  Christians claim that Jesus is the 'only way' to reconciliation with God.  But there must be MANY people who have never heard of Him, either because they lived in a part of the world where they would have had no chance to hear of Him, or they lived in a time that communication was not like it is today.  So are these people 'doomed to Hell' just because they did not have the chance to hear, much less accept, Jesus as Savior and Lord? This is a fair, and important question.  It seems very arrogant, and very 'politically incorrect' to assert that Jesus is the only way to God, and that some may not make it to heaven if they do not have a chance to accept Him.  Many Christians inappropriately avoid the question, or water down the answer to 'fit in' and 'not offend'.   But the issue behind this really is: What did Jesus say about it, and what did He mean about it?  We've discussed elsewhere why Jesus is the only way to reconciliation with God, so here we'll focus on the other half of the issue – about those people who 'never had the chance to choose'. First, we must understand the real issue, and clarify what are basically false assumptions.  Christians hold that Jesus is the means of salvation.  He clearly said that 'whosever believeth in him [Jesus] shall not perish…", but this refers specifically to those who choose to reject Him personally.  Jesus also said "I am the way, the Truth and the Life.  No one comes to the Father but through me."  This assertion does declares that Jesus is the only way, but it does not specifically preclude those who do not have a chance to personally accept or reject Jesus as Savior.  Let me explain.  First, we are ALL condemned because we are guilty – not because we did not believe in Jesus.  We will be judged according to our deeds; we will be punished according to our crimes against God.  Justice demands this.  God's perfection demands it.

"The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books…and each person was judged according to what he had done."  Revelation 20:12,13b

Second, we must understand that God has revealed Himself to everyone in the world, and at all times in history.  In His Natural Revelation, He exhibits Himself in the very existence of the world, it's wonderful design, our internal longings toward Him, etc etc etc.

"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."  Romans 1:20

"He has not left Himself without testimony:  He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons' He provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy."  Acts 14:17

But third, we know that by our very nature we do not seek God – we seek our own fulfillment. 

"The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them."  Romans 1:18-19

"There is no one righteous, no even one; there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God."  Romans 3:10

Fourth, we must understand that it is God who is seeking us out.  He loves all of us, and does not want any of us to be separated from Him for eternity.  He proved this to us by taking on the punishment Himself, that was due to all of us.

"But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."  Romans 5:8

Fifth, when the un-evangelized hears the call of God and responds to his feelings of guilt and submission from the law placed in his heart, he receives the gospel of grace that was provided by the death and resurrection of Christ.

"Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciousness also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them."  Romans 2:14-16

So to summarize, it was the death and resurrection of Jesus that solely provided for the salvation of the world.  For those of us who have heard the gospel, we have the responsibility to accept or reject Jesus as Savior and Lord.  For those who have not heard the gospel, and are genuinely seeking God (because God is drawing them near), they will receive the grace of God. Many do not accept this response, and it is certainly open to debate.  But we should consider the saints of the Old Testament, who were clearly following God's will before Jesus lived, died and was resurrected on this earth.  These are people who heard the call of God on their lives, and their belief was credited to them as righteousness.  They were seeking for God, and they called on Him for reconciliation.

"But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God…because by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy."  Hebrews 10:12,14

"Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness."  Romans 4:3b

"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."  Joel 2:32 (Old Testament!)

Analyzing Christianity…


Some seekers feel they must compare the different 'religions' to see which one 'works'.  While this may be exactly the best means to discover 'Truth', it is certainly in keeping with the consumer-mentality that we have in Western culture.  For those who feel they must pursue this route, Christianity provides an excellent starting place.  There are several reasons that a seeker should consider Christianity first: Christianity Is Evidential and Testable   Christianity is based upon solid historical fact.  You can investigate the documentation, the rules for acceptance in the fields of antiquity and legal evidences.  Many have been convinced that the Bible is the most documented and reliable ancient manuscript in existence!  And once you become convinced of it's reliability, you can begin to consider the validity of its claims.  But if you invalidate it, you can move on.  The trouble with other 'religions', especially surreal worldviews such as Buddhism, Hinduism or New Age, is that you must either agree to accept incoherent postulates (what is the sound of one hand clapping anyway, and what does it have to do with anything important?), or you must commit to a loooong process of discovery (since many – such as Buddhism – make claims that it takes a lifetime of devotion in order to finally realize what they're talking about!)  So with Christianity you can investigate evidence and make a coherent decision! Christianity Is Unique With GRACE   With Christianity, you don't have to buy anything!  Salvation is free to those who believe!   God has set forth impossible requirements for us to fulfill, but out of His love provides us with the means to accomplish it!  Beware those who appear to be 'prophets for a profit'!  A universal need for fulfillment has turned into a universal con opportunity, with peddlers of all sorts offering 'salvation' for a price.  Many offer jibberish or the latest politically correct slogans, but none really offer a realistic answer to the problems of guilt and loneliness in our lives but Christianity.  Many require strict adherence to certain requirements in order to appease a god who will decide if we're acceptable after we die – without providing any certainty now, when we need it.  And who wants to meditate for days, or walk over hot coals?  So again, it makes sense to check out Christianity first – it provides a way out of our guilt and fulfills our religious impulses – and it's free! Christianity Is Livable And Fits Our Knowledge Of The World – With Christianity you can be honest with yourself.  With many of the other 'religions' you must live a 'lie'.  Christianity allows for a complete lifestyle, based upon the Creator's intentions, not what we seem to 'want' or seem to 'hope'.  With others, you will proclaim one thing, and then live another.  For example, a Buddhist or a Hindu proclaims that the world is an illusion – but they still expect exact change, and look both ways before crossing the street.  They will assert that pain and suffering are not real, or that they are earned from past sins, but this does nothing to comfort the dying or afflicted.  With 'naturalistic religions' (such as Atheism or Secular Humanism), one will pretend that their lives have meaning, but must accept that they are the product of an accident, with no inherent value.   'Religions' such as Mormonism or Islam or Judaism must appease a demanding God who shows no grace, and gives no assurances of salvation.  Their lives must be a life of fear and worry, not a live of peace and hope.  In short, with Christianity you may live your beliefs; with all the others you must 'compartmentalize' your life into separate areas of belief that contrast with how we live.  Jesus Christ – One very interesting aspect of many other 'religions' is that they include Jesus!  Islam says He was definitely a major prophet from God, even higher than Abraham – just not higher than Muhammad.  Judaism admits that He lived, just not as the Messiah that they are looking for.  Many adherents to Hinduism or Buddhism admit that He was a very special man, and had tremendous impact on the world and is to be admired and learned from.  There seems to be a trend, and that is that all the major religions believe that He existed, and that He was a tremendous influence.  So it is perfectly logical to begin with a study of the real Jesus – to see why all the others include Him and revere Him so well.  A proper study of Christianity does just that.  So, in summary, if one is seeking for the Truth, and wants to begin a study of the world's 'religions' to determine which one fits our lives, our needs, and our world best, it makes perfect sense to begin with an open minded and in depth study of the Christian faith first.

Christ Is The ONLY Way…


The Objection:  “Christians sure are arrogant and intolerant of other ‘religions’!”  “How could anyone be so insensitive to believe that they are ‘right’ and everyone else is ‘wrong’?!”  “There must be many paths to God, because there are so many different ‘religions.'”  ‘Who is to say that Jesus was the one and only Messiah?’

The Answer:  Who is to say that Jesus is the one and only Messiah?  Jesus is! 

“I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

One must remember that Christians are not making this claim because they are arrogant, or meaning to offend (though indeed, they know the claim is offensive, since the Bible itself warns us!)  They are making the claim because they believe it to be true!  And if it is true, then the WORST possible thing a Christian could do is NOT make the claim to someone else!  Imagine having a cure for a disease, knowing someone who could use it to save their life, and then not sharing it because we were afraid that they might be ‘offended’ that we claim to have the ‘only cure’!   A Christian is simply trying to help!  

It is also interesting to consider that Christianity is certainly not the only ‘religion’ that claims exclusivity!  But one hardly ever hears the arrogance accusation leveled against a Jew, or Muslim, or Hindu!  But it is true – the Muslim believes that Jesus was NOT God, and that He was NOT killed on a cross, and that He certainly did NOT rise from the dead as a propitiation for our sin.  The Jew does not believe these things either, but they certainly don’t believe that Muhammad was the final prophet of God!  And the Hindu believes that one person is everything, everything is one person, and other strange ‘spiritualized’ things that certainly don’t agree with the tenets of Christianity! 

The fact behind this is, that ALL truth is, by definition, exclusive!  Think about it – if it is true that the grass is green, then it is certainly not any other color!  Is anyone offended by that?  It’s a silly accusation when you think about it, isn’t it.  So, the only question left is, which is the true Truth?  And that is what this website and the resources are for, to provide information and evidence for the proper consideration of Truth…we’ll just let the Spirit lead and you decide for yourself.  All we ask as Christians, is that you listen, consider, and realize that we are presenting this news to you with love in our hearts and your best interest in mind, at the behest of our mutual Lord.

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”  Matthew 28:18b-20

Now, the Christian knows that it is God who is reaching out to us, and that we cannot ‘convert’ someone.  That is the function of the Holy Spirit.  But we are the ambassadors; the messengers of the news that answers the questions of the seeker.  The Holy Spirit will enflame the spiritual nature of all people, and then he uses the Christian to assist in understanding how to proceed and grow.  So in your consideration of the Truth of Christianity, and comparison of the ‘truth claims’ of the other ‘religions’, keep this claim in mind:

“From one man He made every nation of men, that thy should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.  God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us…Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the diving being is like gold or silver or stone – an image made by man’s design and skill…now He commands all people everywhere to repent.  For He has set a day when He will judge the world with justice by the man He has appointed.  He has given proof of this to all men by raising Him from the dead.”  Acts 17:26-27,29,30b,31